
Showing posts from September, 2018

M&M&M Analysis Content: Theatre Arts

Quick, name five musicals off the top of your head...go!  Ok, that's not fair, you're not a theatre kid so that might be really hard.  Well, the truth is, it's hard for me too.  I have a degree in theatre and have been involved in many, many productions in a variety of ways, but I would have a hard time name five musicals quickly.  Honestly, I don't love them.  That's not to say I think poorly of them, I was just never the kid that listened to musical sound tracks in the car and if there were auditions for one, I generally passed.  Here's the problem with that as I prepare to have my own theatre class/program, Utah loves musicals!  The big school wide productions in most of the northern Utah districts are musicals, which is what I'm going to have to choose and direct one day.  This could be a problem.... I love the idea the theatre teacher I am observing came up with for teaching her kids about musicals (largely because I have learned a lot about differen

Metacognition TIPR Content Area: Theatre

Ah, the theatre (read that line in you best pretentious English accent)!  I actually never believed I would go to college until I learned that I could get a degree in theatre.  This news changed my life.  I liked school ok but nothing really interested me like theatre did.  As a teen I just viewed acting as a fun, exciting, and frankly, an easy class.  Having some years of experience behind me and a few classes in Educational Phycology, I can see how the way that I learn really lends itself to the stage.  Seriously, this is a revelation.  I'm ok at taking notes, understanding text books, and jumping through the hoops, but you ask me to get up and try something new and I'm in it to win it!  Come to find out, this understanding of how I learn is called metacognition.  Everyone can do it!  Metacognition is just learning how you learn, thinking about thinking (I feel super smart saying that). My first two service field hours were spent in a intermediate/advanced theatre class wit